Bean Tech

Admire those who admire others - Simon Sinek



巨量的資料、開源的軟體、更速的機器,開啟了AI大爆炸的時代,而未來的資料量只會越來越多,機器只會越來越聰明,面對這樣排山倒海的壓力,人們到底應該如何適應呢?我始終相信「知己知彼,百戰百勝」,所以讓我們一起進入AI的世界吧! 剛開始接觸機器學習的時候,發現網路上有非常非常多的教學,但都沒有touch到我的理解線,但經過各種旁敲側擊,蒐集不同教學的知識之後,才漸漸理解機器學習是怎麼一回事,接......

MQTT入門實作(一) - MQTT 介紹

MQTT is a machine-to-machine (M2M) "Internet of Things" connectivity protocol.

MQTT是為物聯網所設計的 M2M 通訊協定,網路頻寬與硬體需求非常少,是極為輕便的通訊協議。 MQTT 基本介紹 MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport,訊息佇列遙測傳輸)是為物聯網所設計的M2M通訊協定,其對於網路頻寬與硬體需求非常少,是極為輕便的通訊協議。 MQTT通訊協議已經在2014年經過制定電子商業標準協會(OASIS)程序,成為推薦......

[Git] Git Branching

Everything is local

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Branch Concept This is the most import ......

[Git] Git Basics

Everything is local

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Basic Command I’ll list the most commo......

[Git] Start with Git

Everything is local

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Install Git Go to git official downloa......

[Hexo] Theme BeanTech

This is hexo theme Demo.

Ported Theme of Hux Blog, Thank Huxpro for designing such a flawless theme. This BeanTech theme created by YuHsuan modified from the original Porter Kaijun Usage I publish the whole project f......